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Selectmen Minutes, March 7, 2006

March 7, 2006

Present at the meeting that was held at the Stow Town Building were Chairman Edward Perry and Selectmen Stephen Dungan and Carole Makary. The three Stow representatives of the NRSD School Committee also attended: Brian Burke, Ellen Sturgis, and Christine Way.

Also present was Administrative Assistant Susan McLaughlin.

Selectmen John Clayton and Janet Wheeler did not attend, nor did Town Administrator William Wrigley.

Chairman Perry called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of the meeting was to appoint a facilitator to the School Building Task Force and to finalize the group’s objectives and charge.

Appointment of Facilitator
Chairman Perry said that resident Rob Kaufman of Whitney Road had applied for the position of facilitator in conjunction with his application for a voting position on the task force. Another resident submitted an application but it did not meet the posted deadline.

Mr. Dungan moved to appoint Rob Kaufman as facilitator to the School Building Task Force and Ms. Sturgis seconded. Five members voted in favor: Mr. Burke, Mr. Dungan, Mr. Perry, Ms. Sturgis, and Ms. Way. Ms. Makary was opposed, stating that she was not opposed to the candidate but was opposed to appointing a resident volunteer. The motion to appoint carried.

SBTF Objectives and Charge
Mr. Dungan distributed his definition document, entitled “School Building Task Force (SBTF) Objective, Measurement, Term, Duties, Scope, Funding,” dated March 7, as a basis for discussion.

The boards discussed the frequency with which the task force should provide status updates and agreed to monthly updates to the Board of Selectmen and to the joint boards, as convened.
Also discussed was language clarifying how the task force would deal with the work of the former building committee.

Mr. Dungan was to update the document based on the evening’s discussion. Ms. McLaughlin was to notify Mr. Kaufman of his appointment and schedule the group’s first meeting.

The boards also discussed the need for a warrant article for May Town Meeting, requesting voters to authorize the task force to spend those funds previously allocated to the School Building Committee. It was agreed that the selectmen would sponsor the article and Mr. Dungan would work with Mr. Wrigley on the language.
Other Discussion
Ms. Makary stated that she had received a telephone message from the state Ethics Commission and asked if the Ethics Commission had called any other Board members. No else had received a call.

The meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m. on a motion from Ms. Makary, seconded by Mr. Dungan, and with all voting in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan McLaughlin
Administrative Assistant
Board of Selectmen

Approved as amended, March 28, 2006